The entire refuge will be closed March 18, 19, 25, 26 for aerial hog control.
Due to maintenance issues at the refuge, indoor restrooms may not be available on the following dates: 3/13, 3/21 to 4/11.
2024 Birding With Jack: The Weekly Bird Census |
Each Tuesday a team of experienced birders, including Master Naturalist Jack Chiles, traverse 35 miles of refuge roads and hiking trails, documenting every bird they encounter. The following are their results and field notes for 2024. Click to Enlarge Photos December 31, 2024 Complete Bird Census 75 Species Observed, +2 other taxa, 3,769 individuals Purple Finch, Ruby-crowned Kinglet and a Winter Wren It was a chilly, breezy day for our last bird census of 2024. We started the day out by going to the Goode Area. There were a lot of birds feeding on berries near the entrance to the Goode Area and in the large Juniper, near the entrance, that is always loaded with berries in the wintertime, we found a female Purple Finch feeding on the berries along with a Ruby-crowned Kinglet as well as some Northern Cardinals. Later on Wildlife Drive we saw about 1200 white geese on the lake. The geese numbers are way down this week but the majority might be going out on neighboring fields during the day. On the far west side of the refuge we had two good finds, a flock of 6 Inca Doves in an oak tree near a private residence and 10 Wood Ducks in the creek near the juncture of Old Sadler Road and Crawford Road. Duck numbers were good with 12 species present today. The more numerous species were, 447 Northern Pintails, 292 Green-winged Teals. 237 Gadwalls and 98 Northern Shovelers. We saw a Winter Wren near the long bridge on Meadow Pond Trail. We saw a total of 58 Northern Cardinals and nine species of sparrows. We finished the day with 75 species. Today's photos, Purple Finch, Ruby-crowned Kinglet and a Winter Wren. HAPPY NEW YEAR! December 24, 2024 Complete Bird Census 73 Species Observed, +2 other taxa, 8,617 individuals Purple Finch, Pine Warbler The morning started out rainy and continued that way all through the census. It was mixed with periods of heavy fog. In spite of that we managed to see some good birds. We saw a dozen Purple Finches in the trees just past Deaver Pond. We had a couple of Orange-crowned Warblers and a Pine Warbler at Sandy Point. We also saw a Bald Eagle at Sandy Point. Cedar Waxwings were numerous with a count of 315. There are still more than 6000 white geese present. Duck numbers were good with 498 Northern Pintails, 299 Gadwalls, 154 Green-winged Teal, 114 Mallards, 98 Northern Shovelers, 27 Buffleheads as well as several other species of ducks. We saw 12 species of sparrows. We finished the day with a count of 73 species. Photo opportunities were almost nil today due to the dark conditions but I did manage to get a couple of shots. a Purple Finch and a Pine Warbler. Merry Christmas to everyone. December 17, 2024 Complete Bird Census 78 Species Observed, +2 other taxa, 7,905 individuals Red-tailed Hawk Red-headed Woodpecker and Blue Phase Ross's Geese It was a nice mid December day for today's bird census. Winds were light and the temperature was moderate. Ross's and Snow Geese are still here in good numbers with an estimate of at least 6000, possibly more. They were spread out which makes them harder to estimate. Of note, there are at Least 3 Blue phase Ross's geese including 2 matures and 1 immature. They are rare and this is the most I have ever seen here. The Cackling Goose is still in with the white geese. We counted 448 Northern Pintails, 199 Gadwalls, 163 Green-winged Teal, 50 Northern Shovelers, 22 Buffleheads, 20 Ruddy Ducks, 21 Mallards, 7 Redheads, 8 Ring-necked Ducks, 1 Canvasback and 5 Lesser Scaup. We saw 2 Bald Eagles soaring high over Sandy Point. At the large culvert near the crossover from C pad to Sandy Point road we found 2 Purple Finches, 1 was a nice male. At Deaver Pond there were 20 Long-billed Dowitchers, 10 Greater Yellowlegs, a Belted Kingfisher, a couple of Red-headed Woodpeckers and lots of ducks. We saw 9 species of sparrows and at the end of the day there was an American Bittern near the north low water crossing. We finished the day with 78 species. Today's photos, Red-tailed Hawk, Red-headed Woodpecker and Blue Phase Ross's Geese. Thanks for looking. Enjoy your holidays. This Saturday is the Christmas Bird Count. We meet at headquarters at 7 a.m. Come join us. |
December 10, 2024 Complete Bird Census
83 Species Observed, +2 other taxa, 9,066 individuals
Bewick's Wren and Tufted Titmouse American Bittern and Loggerhead Shrike A touch of winter had arrived when we started the census today and there was definitely a chill in the air. Bird activity was good as the birds were working hard to fuel up in the cold weather. There are at least 6000 white geese, Snow Geese and Ross's Geese present and they are consuming the planted wheat at a fast rate. Some of the better finds of the day were an American Bittern in the Smart Weed, about half way down Plover Pad road. On the road to Meadow Pond we saw a Winter Wren and a Brown Creeper. Duck numbers were good with a count of 349 Northern Pintails, 444 Green-winged Teal, 140 Gadwall, 40 American Wigeon, 7 Canvasbacks, 34 Buffleheads, 13 Redheads, 16 Ruddy Ducks, 90 Mallards, 58 Northern Shovelers, 16 Rudy Ducks, 2 Lesser Scaups and 11 Ring-necked Ducks. We saw an unusually high count of 11 Loggerhead Shrikes which is good news because their numbers have been declining in the last few years. We finished the day with 83 species. Today's photos, Bewick's Wren, Tufted Titmouse, American Bittern and Loggerhead Shrike. Thanks for looking. December 3, 2024 Complete Bird Census 88 Species Observed, +2 other taxa, 8,601 individuals 8 point buck, White-tailed Deer, Purple Finch As we started out the temperature was in the mid twenties but the sun was out and there was a light breeze. White geese are here now in large numbers with an estimate of 6000 today. Now is the time to visit the refuge if you want to see a lot of geese up close. The Cackling Goose is still here and we were able to locate it with the Snow and Ross's Geese. When we went to Dead Woman Pond we located a couple of Purple Finches feeding on Ash tree seed pods. Duck numbers are good and we saw 11 species including Mallards, Blue-winged Teals, Northern Shovelers, Gadwalls, Northern Pintails, Green-winged Teal, Canvasbacks, Redheads, Lesser Scaups, Buffleheads and Ruddy Ducks. We were able to find a few shorebird species including, Wilson's Snipes, Killdeer, Long-billed Dowitchers, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs and Least Sandpipers. We saw American Kestrels and located a Merlin on Short Road. Hawk numbers were good with 2 Cooper's Hawks, 5 Northern Harriers, 9 Red-shouldered Hawks and 5 Red-tailed Hawks. We found 11 species of sparrows. Eastern Bluebirds were numerous with a count of 33. We finished the day with 88 species. Today's photos, a nice 8 point buck, White-tailed Deer and one of the Purple Finches we saw. November 26, 2024 Complete Bird Census 87 Species Observed, +2 other taxa, 5,491 individuals Cackling Goose, Surf Scoter LeConte's Sparrow, American Pipit At the beginning of our census temperatures were hovering near freezing, skies were mostly clear and a light breeze was blowing. We started our day on Raasch Trail and as we entered the trail behind the maintenance buildings we found a large group of sparrows in a tree near the bluebird box, most of which were Savannah and White-crowned Sparrows but we were very surprised to see a LeConte's Sparrow in the group. There we also saw a House Wren, Song Sparrows, and a Lincoln's Sparrow. Later we continued on to Harris Creek Trail and found another House Wren near the entrance to the trail. There was a large number of ducks in Meyer's Branch Marsh, including many Green-winged Teals, Northern Pintails, Mallards, Gadwalls and a female Hooded Merganser. At Dead Woman's Pond we found a Western Sandpiper along with Least Sandpipers and Killdeers. There was a Brown Creeper at the picnic area at Goode. Then we proceeded on to Wildlife Drive where we were greeted by a large flock of approximately 4000 Snow and Ross's Geese. In with the large flock was a lone Cackling Goose and 3 Greater White-fronted Geese. In Silliman Marsh we saw a pair of Common Goldeneyes, Buffleheads, Ruddy Ducks, Redheads, Northern Pintails, Lesser Scaups, Gadwalls, Northern Pintails and a lone Canvasback. Then we proceeded to the end of Tern Pad and we saw a duck in the distance near J pad that we determined with use of a spotting scope to be a scoter but we could not tell if it was a Surf Scoter or a White-winged Scoter so we proceeded right away to J pad and determined it was s a female Surf Scoter. We had a good hawk day with a total of 10 Red-tailed Hawks, one of which was a light phase Harlan's Hawk. It turned out to be a really good day and we tallied 87 species. Today's photos, Cackling Goose, Surf Scoter, LeConte's Sparrow, and an American Pipit. Thanks for looking. November 19, 2024 Complete Bird Census 80 Species Observed, +2 other taxa, 1,890 individuals Song Sparrow, American Robin and White-breasted Nuthatch It was a beautiful day with a cool start, temperature in the 40's, and relatively calm. The lake continues to rise and there is some water over the north low water crossing but today it is still passable. There are no mudflats on the lake side but a few mud areas at Taylor Pond and Deaver Pond. The area at the end of Sparrow lane, going down the hill, continues to be good for sparrows We did see diving ducks, including Redheads, Canvasbacks, Ruddy Ducks, a Bufflehead and Lesser Scaups. There are still a couple of Horned Grebes present in Silliman Marsh but they can be easy to overlook as they have been diving a lot. At Deaver Pond we saw Red-headed Woodpeckers, Long-billed Dowitchers, Wilson's Snipes, Greater Yellowlegs, a Belted Kingfisher and a couple of White-faced Ibis. We saw a total of 3 Pileated Woodpeckers, a Hairy Woodpecker, 9 Downy Woodpeckers, 5 Northern Flickers and a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. There were still a few American White Pelicans flying around. We saw a total of 10 Harris's Sparrows. There is still an American Bittern in the marsh before the turnoff to Plover Pad. We finished the day with 80 species. Today's photos, Song Sparrow, American Robin and White-breasted Nuthatch. Thanks for looking. November 12, 2024 Complete Bird Census 93 Species Observed + 3 other taxa; 3,166 individuals American Bittern, Lesser Scaup, and a Fox Sparrow It was a beautiful day, with an easterly breeze blowing. The wheat is looking good and more white geese are arriving with a count of 200 today. Sparrow numbers are increasing and we had 12 sparrow species today. The area on sparrow lane as you go down the hill toward the lake is good for sparrows. We also saw a Brown Thrasher there today. At the Goode area we had large numbers of Red-winged Blackbirds, a couple of Brown Creepers, a Golden-crowned Kinglet, a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker as well as other Sparrow species. The lake has risen even more with the recent rains and there are no mudflats so shorebird and tern numbers were way down today. At Deaver Pond we found Red-headed Woodpeckers, a Belted Kingfisher and a large number of Gadwalls. As we continued on down Meadow Pond trail we spotted a mature Bald Eagle in flight. At Meadow Pond we had a first of season Hermit Thrush. There were a lot of ducks on the lake in rafts, including a large number of Redheads as well as many Lesser Scaups, Ruddy Ducks, Canvasbacks, American Wigeons, 3 Red-breasted Mergansers, Ring-necked Ducks, Gadwalls and Mallards. One of the last birds of the day was an American Bittern near the entrance to Plover Pad. We finished the day with 93 species. Today's photos, American Bittern, Lesser Scaup, and a Fox Sparrow. November 5, 2024 Complete Bird Census 89 Species Observed + 3 other taxa; 2,802 individuals Today's photos: a Greater Yellowlegs accompanied by a Lesser Yellowlegs showing the differences between the species and a portion of the thousands of Franklin's Gulls that have been coming thru the refuge the last couple of weeks. It was a cool morning, after an overnight rain, with a stiff north wind blowing for today's census. We started out by walking on Harris Creek Trail to the first pond. We saw a Spotted Towhee sitting up across the creek and heard Song Sparrows but other than that it was pretty quiet. We then went to the Goode Area and at the bottom of the hill on sparrow lane we found a good number of sparrows, including, Fox Sparrow, Lincoln Sparrows, White-Throated Sparrows, Savannah Sparrows, White-crowned Sparrows and a Swamp Sparrow. We then continued on to Wildlife Drive and Plover Road. At the end of Plover we observed three mature Bald Eagles having a territorial dispute following each other with all three eagles in the field of view of our binoculars simultaneously. There are still lots of American White Pelicans and Franklin Gulls coming thru. Snow and Ross's Geese are beginning to arrive and the wheat fields are looking good after the recent rains which just came in a nick of time. On the road to Meadow Pond we found 6 Red-headed Woodpeckers, a late season White-faced Ibis and a Belted Kingfisher. Just past Deaver Pond we saw a large flock of Pine Siskins bathing in a puddle in the road. Duck numbers are good with more arriving each week. We finished the day with 89 species. October 29, 2024 Complete Bird Census 82 Species Observed + 2 other taxa; 1,667 individuals Black-bellied Plover, Redheads, and a Gadwall It was a cloudy day with a stiff wind for today's survey. Still no rain and the lake continues to recede exposing more and more mudflats. The star bird the last couple of weeks has been the Red Phalarope and we could not locate it today but it was here this past weekend. Some of the wheat is still ok but some has died out. We are hoping for rain soon. A couple of Ross's Geese arrived this weekend but we could not locate them today, but we did see a lone Snow Goose in Harris Creek Marsh. 8 Wild Turkeys were spotted at the residence near Refuge Rd entering the refuge. Long-billed Dowitchers are still present in large numbers with 306 counted today and we also saw one Short-billed Dowitcher. 13 species of shorebirds were present today. Egrets and herons numbers are way down with only 6 Great Blue Herons, 3 Snowy Egrets and 9 Great Egrets observed today. At Sandy Point we saw a Bald Eagle sitting in a tree on the point to the west. We also had a Pine Warbler there. We saw a Common Yellowthroat on the road to Meadow Pond near the long bridge and there were 153 Gadwalls at Deaver Pond. Winter Sparrows are starting to show up and we saw White-crowned Sparrows, White-throated Sparrows, Savannah Sparrows, Song Sparrows, Lincoln's Sparrows and a Spotted Towhee. We finished the day with 82 species. Today's photos, taken on previous outings, Black-bellied Plover, Redheads, and a Gadwall. Thanks for looking. October 22, 2024 Complete Bird Census 84 Species Observed + 2 other taxa; 3,408 individuals Dunlin, and Franklin's Gulls Red Phalarope, Vesper Sparrow It was a nice breezy morning for our census. We have not had rain since 09/25/24 and it is very dry and dusty. The lake level continues to fall exposing more and more mudflats. There are concerns for the wheat that came up and is just sitting there with some of it starting to die back. There is no rain forecast for the rest of this week and well into next week. There have been some interesting birds at the refuge the last few days and they are still hanging around. There is a Red Phalarope present in Silliman Marsh, only the third one I have ever seen here. I have talked with birders as far away as Houston that have come to see the bird. It is a life sighting for many that see it. Another interesting sighting is several Nelson's Sparrows that are present in the marsh to the right of Plover pad. They can be difficult to locate but if you have enough patience early or late in the day you might see them. In the same area there are also a lot of Soras and a few Virginia Rails. There are a couple of thousand or more Franklin's Gulls that have been hanging out off the end of Plover pad. Shorebird numbers are very good with lots of species present. We saw a total of 15 Dunlins today. Other shorebirds present include, American Avocets, Black-bellied Plovers, Killdeer, Semipalmated Plover, many Long-billed Dowitchers, Wilson's Snipes, Wilson's Phalaropes, Greater Yellowlegs, Stilt Sandpipers, many Least Sandpipers, Western Sandpipers, Semipalmated Sandpipers and a Pectoral Sandpiper. We saw a pair of mature Bald Eagles flying near Sandy Point. We finished the day with 84 species. Today's photos, Red Phalarope, Vesper Sparrow, Dunlin, and Franklin's Gulls. October 15, 2024 Complete Bird Census 85 Species Observed + 1 other taxa; 2,206 individuals Wilson's Snipe It was a nice cool morning for the start of today's census. We ventured out first to Raasch Trail and found Song Sparrows, a Dark-eyed Junco, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Orange-crowned Warbler, Eastern Bluebirds, Northern Flickers, Downy Woodpeckers and a Hairy Woodpecker. We then walked the first part of Harris Creek Trail and saw the first of 4 Pileated Woodpeckers for the day. We continued on to Wildlife Drive and on to Plover Pad where we found quite a few continuing shorebirds but not as many as this weekend. Some had pulled out when we had the wind change to the North Sunday. There was a large number of over 500 Forster's Terns on the sandbar at the end of Plover Pad as well as several hundred American Coots, 86 Franklin's Gulls, and American White Pelicans. We saw a small flock of diving ducks out on the lake containing a Lesser Scaup and 14 Redheads. The Cooper's Hawk that has been patrolling the marshes for several weeks was still present. Shorebirds seen included 19 American Avocets, 2 American Golden-Plovers, 71 Killdeer, 2 Semipalmated Plovers, 97 Long-billed Dowitchers, 14 Wilson's Snipes, 1 Wilsons's Phalarope, 3 Lesser Yellowlegs, 41 Greater Yellowlegs, 6 Stilt Sandpipers, 66 Least Sandpipers, 2 Pectoral Sandpipers. 1 Western Sandpiper and 2 Semi-palmated Sandpipers. We saw a Common Yellowthroat and a Lincoln's Sparrow just past Meadow Pond. We finished the day with 85 species. Today's photo a Wilson's Snipe near the road on Wildlife Drive in the marsh where all the Soras have been hanging out October 8, 2024 Complete Bird Census 73 Species Observed; 2,904 individuals Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Black-crowned Night Heron, and honey bees exposed in a tree It was a beautiful, calm day for our census. Shorebird numbers are good now that there are plenty of mudflats. We had a total of 16 shorebird species including American Avocets, Black-bellied Plover, American Golden-Plovers, Killdeer, Semipalmated Plovers, Long-billed Dowitchers, Wilson's Snipes, Spotted Sandpiper, Lesser Yellowlegs, Greater Yellowlegs, Stilt Sandpipers, Baird's Sandpipers, Least Sandpipers, Pectoral Sandpipers, Western Sandpiper and Semipalmated Sandpipers. Forster's Terns are still present in large numbers with an estimated count of 475. We saw a late season Yellow-billed Cuckoo and an immature Black-crowned Night Heron at Dead Woman Pond. There were more than 1100 American White Pelicans present. We saw a Cooper's Hawk on the road to Egret pad. There was a Greater Roadrunner on Short Road. We finished the day with 73 species. Today's photos, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Black-crowned Night Heron, and honey bees exposed in a tree which is a bit unusual. October 1, 2024 Complete Bird Census 66 Species Observed; 2,957 individuals White-breasted Nuthatch, Sora We started today's census on Raasch Trail and found a first of season White-crowned Sparrow. There we also saw 2 White-breasted Nuthatches and a Nashville Warbler. We then continued on to Wildlife Drive and found a lone Sora feeding next to the road in the marsh before Plover Pad. On Plover Pad road we saw our first of season Northern Harrier. On the sandbar west of Plover Pad we found a large flock of Franklin's Gulls and Forsters Terns. There we also saw a large number of Least Sandpipers, Long-billed Dowitchers, and some American Avocets. There were also White-faced Ibises, and lots of Great Egrets. Then we had a flyby mature Bald Eagle. American White Pelicans were on a sandbar at the end of Plover Pad. Duck numbers and species are increasing and we saw Blue-winged Teals, Green-winged Teals, Northern Shovelers, Mallards and a couple of Gadwalls. We then went to Dead Woman Pond and saw a late season Green Heron and a couple of American Kestrels. On the far west side of the refuge, down in the draw we had a couple of Brown Thrashers fussing at our presence. We had a Sharp-shinned Hawk flyby near the low water crossing on Bennett. Other shorebirds seen today included, Stilt Sandpipers, a Western Sandpiper, Spotted Sandpipers, a Black-bellied Plover and an American Golden-Plover. We saw a total of 6 Red-headed Woodpeckers. We finished the day with 66 species. Today's photos, a White-breasted Nuthatch and I just couldn't resist one more shot of the Sora we saw in good early morning light. Thanks for looking. September 24, 2024 Complete Bird Census 72 Species Observed; 2,353 individuals White-faced Ibis, American White Pelicans Sora, Clay-colored Sparrow The morning started off cool and calm for today's census. Starting temperature was 59 Degrees. We walked Harris Creek Trail as far as the big willow by the small pond and it was quiet but we did hear a Pileated Woodpecker there and saw a Red-headed Woodpecker. We then continued on to Wildlife Drive and found a Sora, some Pectoral Sandpipers and Wilson's Snipes in the marsh before the road to Plover Pad. There were over a thousand American White Pelicans sitting on the sandbar west of Plover Pad. There we also saw American Avocets, Forster's Terns, Ring-billed Gulls and Long-billed Dowitchers as well as many Least Sandpipers. As we were coming out of Plover Pad we found an early season Chipping Sparrow. We continued on to Meadow Pond where we saw a couple of Green Herons and an early season Northern Flicker. The marshes are now being flooded so they should be good for shorebirds, ibises and egrets. Later as we were returning from the west side of the refuge we went down G Pad and found Clay-colored Sparrows. Many American White Pelicans are coming through at the moment and this morning they abandoned the sandbar and started feeding in a tight group. It is quite a sight to watch them feed in that manner. A little later when the thermals started forming most of the pelicans took off and continued on their way south. This scenario will be repeated by more and more migrating pelicans the rest of this month and a good part of October. We finished the day with 72 species. Today's photos, White-faced Ibis, American White Pelicans, Sora, and Clay-colored Sparrow. September 17, 2024 Complete Bird Census 65 Species Observed, +1 other taxa, 3,791 individuals Peregrine Falcon and Merlin It was a calm morning for today's bird census. Some of the areas are closed for dove hunting so we started out by driving down Wildfife Drive. We saw a couple of Soras in Moist Soil Unit #7 and at the corner of Wildlife Drive and Plover pad road we saw a Peregrine Falcon perched in the willow tree on the corner. Near the end of the census we saw a Merlin perched in the same tree. We also saw an American Kestrel today making it a three falcon species day. The Peregrine Falcon let us get fairly close before it flew farther down the road. Lots of American White Pelicans are coming thru and we estimated 2500 sitting on the sandbars and flying around. We saw a total of 8 Loggerhead Shrikes. We saw at least 3 Red-headed Woodpeckers and 2 Belted Kingfishers at Deaver Pond. Shorebirds seen today included 14 American Avocets, 22 Killdeer, 3 Spotted Sandpipers, 1 Greater Yellowlegs, 2 Stilt Sandpipers, 115 Least Sandpipers and 35 Pectoral Sandpipers. More mudflats are exposed each day. We saw a late season Western Kingbird at Sandy Point. We finished the day with 65 species. Today's photos, Peregrine Falcon and Merlin. September 10, 2024 Complete Bird Census 80 Species Observed, 1,051 individuals Soras Greater White-fronted Goose, White Ibis accompanied by Great Egret and a Loggerhead Shrike It was a cool calm morning for our census. We started out by walking near the trailhead of Harris Creek trail. A Red-headed Woodpecker was still present in that area. Other than that it was quiet there except for Tufted Titmice and Carolina Wrens. We then proceeded on to Wildlife Drive and there were egrets and herons there including a Tricolored Heron. There we also saw 6 Short-billed Dowitchers, several American Avocets, a Western Sandpiper and Least Sandpipers. We then continued on to the flooded area just before Plover Pad and saw an amazing number of 17 Sora rails. Egrets are continuing to congregate in the marshes along Wildlife Drive. We then went to the low water crossing on Bennett Ln and found a Northern Waterthrush, an Olive-sided Flycatcher, a Yellow-billed Cuckoo and an Eastern Wood-Pewee. We then went to L pad and found a very early season Greater White-fronted Goose. There we also saw a White Ibis, a lot of egrets, Pectoral and Least Sandpipers, and Canada Geese, On the far west side of the refuge near Basin Springs we saw a Pileated Woodpecker on a power pole. Sandy Point was quiet but as we proceeded on to G pad we saw a Willow Flycatcher. At Meadow Pond we saw a Yellow-crowned Night Heron and Green Herons. At the end of Egret pad Cliff Swallows were perched on the power lines. We finished the day with 80 species. Today's photos, Soras, Greater White-fronted Goose, White Ibis accompanied by Great Egret and a Loggerhead Shrike. September 3, 2024 Complete Bird Census 81 species (+1 other taxa) Species Observed, 1,453 individuals Yellow Warbler, Cooper's Hawk and Green Heron There was very light rain all day for our census. The highlight of the day was 16 species of shorebirds. Moist soil unit #7, just before you get to Plover Pad, has been flooded and was a good location for lots of shorebirds. It contains some short vegetation so it is a little more difficult to pick out the birds as opposed to a mudflat. Another good location is the mudflats in the Harris Creek marsh. There we saw a Whimbrel and 7 Short-billed Dowitchers. There we also saw one of the Tricolored Herons that will probably be leaving soon. Shorebirds seen today included, American Avocets, Killdeer, Upland Sandpipers, Wilson's Phalarope, Spotted Sandpipers, Lesser and Greater Yellowlegs, Stilt Sandpipers, Baird's Sandpipers, Least Sandpipers, Pectoral Sandpipers, Western Sandpipers, Whimbrel and Short-billed Dowitchers. As we turned onto Plover Pad, the Willow tree on the left, was full of Red-winged Blackbirds as well as a Yellow-headed Blackbird. On the pads we saw more Yellow Warblers than I can remember in the last few years. We also saw a Chestnut-sided Warbler in the bottom near Basin Springs. We had an excellent count of 8 Loggerhead Shrikes. Northern Shovelers are starting to arrive. Egret numbers are starting to increase with several hundred counted today. There were 3 Red-headed Woodpeckers at Deaver pond as well as a Belted Kingfisher. We finished the day with 81 species, quite good for early September. Todays photos, Yellow Warbler, Cooper's Hawk and Green Heron. August 27, 2024 Complete Bird Census 72 Species Observed, 941 individuals |
Green Heron and a Willow Flycatcher. It was a seasonably warm day for the census. Some of the highlights of the day were a mature Bald Eagle flyby at Sandy Point, a Willow Flycatcher just past Dead Woman Pond, a Short-billed Dowitcher in Harris Creek marsh, several Tricolored Herons and 19 White-faced Ibis in Mineral Marsh. There was a total count of 148 Least Terns on the sandbars off the end of Tern Pad. Purple Martins are still staging and we saw 71 today. More mudflats are appearing every day and we saw 12 species of shorebirds including a Western Sandpiper and a Baird's Sandpiper. We finished the day with 72 species. Today's photos, a Green Heron, on point and a Willow Flycatcher. August 20, 2024 Complete Bird Census 72 Species Observed, 863 individuals Roseate Spoonbill, Green Heron and Yellow-crowned Night Heron We started today's census by making a quick trip to the low water crossing on Bennett Lane to look at a Roseate Spoonbill that Terry Goode, part of our census team, had just spotted there a few minutes earlier. The bird was still there as well as many more egrets and herons including, Black-crowned Night Herons, Yellow-crowned Night Herons, Green Herons, Little Blue Herons, Neotropic Cormorants, Wood Ducks and many Snowy and Great Egrets. From there we continued on to Deaver Pond where we saw 3 Red-headed Woodpeckers, 2 Belted Kingfishers and a Red-shouldered Hawk. Then we went to Meadow Pond and saw a Green Heron and a Northern River Otter. Past Meadow Pond near the railroad tracks we happened upon an Acadian Flycatcher and a Summer Tanager. On the west side of the refuge we saw a couple of Loggerhead Shrikes, Lark Sparrows and a Western Kingbird. When we arrived back at Egret Pad we found the Roseate Spoonbill in Mineral Marsh. Shorebirds seen or heard today included Upland Sandpipers, Wilson's Phalaropes, Spotted Sandpipers, Least Sandpipers, Pectoral Sandpipers, Semipalmated Sandpipers, a Greater Yellowlegs and a Black-bellied Plover. We saw a couple of Least Terns on the shore near the Harris Creek bridge. We finished the day with 72 species. Today's photos Roseate Spoonbill, Green Heron and Yellow-crowned Night Heron. August 13, 2024 Complete Bird Census 65 Species Observed, 875 individuals Indigo Bunting and Blue Grosbeak It was hot and humid for today's count. Starting out, we checked the owl box and the Barn Owls have fledged. We then continued on to Raasch Trail and found Painted Buntings and Dickcissels feeding on seeds and Poke Berries, the first of many encounters today with buntings feeding on grass and weed seeds. Farther on down the trail in the woods we had a Pileated Woodpecker fly across the road a couple of times in front of us. Later we saw a Least Flycatcher at the Goode picnic area. As we proceeded on to Wildlife Drive we saw a Solitary Sandpiper on the left just before we got to the low water crossing. After we turned on to Wildlife Drive we saw a few shorebirds on the right on some exposed mud, including a Lesser Yellowlegs, Least Sandpipers, Killdeer and a Semi-palmated Plover. The American White Pelicans are still hanging out in that area as well as many Canada Geese. When we arrived at the pads we saw Yellow Warblers feeding on insects in the Button Bushes. Large numbers of Purple Martins are still staging for their trip south. We saw a Tricolored Heron near the end of Egret pad. At the low water crossing on Bennett Lane there was a Black-crowned Night Heron, a Mississippi Kite and a Belted Kingfisher. On the far west side of the refuge we saw a Hairy Woodpecker. There was a Loggerhead Shrike near the west entrance to Short Road and another one near one of the residences. We finished the day with a total of 65 species. Some mudflats are starting to appear and hopefully shorebird counts will start to increase soon. Today's photos, Indigo Bunting and Blue Grosbeak. August 6, 2024 Complete Bird Census 63 Species Observed, 1,022 individuals Green Heron and Scissor-tailed Flycatcher It was a calm, hot day for our census. Some of the better sightings of the day were 7 Yellow Warblers in the Button Bushes along the pad roads, a couple of Black-and-white Warblers near the bridge at Dead Woman Pond and a total of 7 Green Herons. We also saw a mature Black-crowned Night Heron at the low water crossing on Bennett Ln. We saw a total of 10 Wood Ducks. There were 410 Purple Martins staging at the end of the crossover pad between Egret and Tern pads. We saw a Loggerhead Shrike near the southwest end of Short Road. We finished the day with 63 species. Today's photos, Green Heron and Scissor-tailed Flycatcher. |
July 30, 2024 Complete Bird Census 55 Species Observed,649 individuals |
Barn Owls in a nest box Things are heating up and it looks like we are looking at a string of near 100 or above days. The lake level is starting to recede and will probably start a daily decline due to the hot weather. Things were slow today with only 3 species of shorebirds, a Killdeer, a Greater Yellowlegs and a Spotted Sandpiper. On the crossover approaching Egret we saw an early returning Yellow Warbler. There were three Wild Turkeys in the road on the way to Meadow Pond. Large numbers of American Lotus are still blooming in Meadow Pond. We saw a Swainson's Hawk on the far west side of the refuge. We saw a total of 3 Tri-colored Herons and 1 Yellow-crowned Night Heron. Purple Martins are still staging and we had a count of 95 today. We finished the day with 55 species. Today's photo 3 Barn Owls in a nest box. We cannot release the location for their protection. July 23, 2024 Complete Bird Census 51 Species Observed, 825 individuals Mississippi Kite and Blue Grosbeak The morning started out with a bit of fog and the temperatures were quite mild for late July. Lake levels are still high and there are still no mudflats. There was a large number of Canada Geese in the field north of the visitor center. Probably the best bird of the day was a Grasshopper Sparrow on Short Road which was a lifer for a visiting birder. Purple Martins are continuing to stage and there have been large numbers on the wires near the pole where Lucy used to sit. We saw 4 Red-headed Woodpeckers at Deaver Pond. There was a Mississippi Kite near the low water crossing on Bennett Ln. where it has been catching frogs. Later on we saw 3 Mississippi Kites at the same location. We saw Painted Buntings at quite a few locations and had a total of 20 for the day. Summer Tanagers are mostly silent now but we did hear one and saw another one. There were 9 Forster's Terns off the end of Plover. The species count was low today with only 51 species seen but that is not unexpected for this time of year. Hopefully there will be some mudflats soon so that we will see more shorebirds. Today's photos: Mississippi Kite and Blue Grosbeak. July 16, 2024 Complete Bird Census 68 Species Observed, 730 individuals Piping Plover, Western Sandpiper and Tricolored Heron It was another hot summer day with a light breeze blowing as we started our census. We started by walking Harris Creek Trail to the pond by the photo blind. There was very little activity there but Indigo Buntings were singing. There we did have a flyby Tricolored Heron. From there we went down Raasch Trail and saw the usual bunch of vultures hanging out as well as a Green Heron. Next we went to the Goode Area and Dead Woman Pond. At Dead Woman Pond there was another Tricolored Heron as well as Mallards and some egrets. In the picnic area at Goode we found a tree near the picnic tables that had several Painted Buntings, a Summer Tanager and a Black-and-white Warbler. Then we proceeded to Wildlife Drive and saw the 6 American White Pelicans that have been here for a few weeks and lots of Mallards and Canada Geese. We continued on to the Goose Point area and along the shoreline there we found the best bird of the day, a Piping Plover accompanied by a Western Sandpiper. In the pond on the left before Plover Pad we saw a flock of American Avocets feeding as well as a couple of Stilt Sandpipers and more egrets and Canada Geese. On the road to Meadow Pond we saw quite a few Blue-gray Gnatcatchers and lots of Painted Buntings. On the west side of the refuge there were a couple of Greater Roadrunners near the entrance to Sandy Point Road. On the far west side of the refuge we saw a Northern Parula in the same area where they nested this year. We finished the day with 68 species which is pretty good for summertime. Today's photos, Piping Plover, Western Sandpiper and Tricolored Heron. Thanks for looking. July 9, 2024 Complete Bird Census 71 Species Observed, 952 individuals Yellow-crowned Night Heron, Purple Martins and White-tailed deer fawns After rain yesterday afternoon from the remnants of Hurricane Beryl we were treated to a beautiful cool July morning for today's census. The north low water crossing as well as all of the pad roads are now open. We started off by walking Harris Creek Trail to the first pond and the Red-headed Woodpeckers were very active in that area and we saw several flying back and forth. We saw a total of 9 for the day. We also saw a Chimney Swift flying there. Purple Martins continue staging for their trip south and we counted 117 sitting in trees and on power lines. The American Lotus are impressive at Meadow Pond and we saw a couple of Green Herons there. On Bennett Lane just past the Big Mineral bridge we had close up looks at a mature Yellow-crowned Night Heron feeding on Crayfish in a small pool of water. On the far west side of the refuge we heard a Barred Owl and a Northern Parula sing. We had a couple of early shorebirds, a Black-bellied Plover and a Short-billed Dowitcher along with a Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, a Solitary Sandpiper, a Semipalmated Sandpiper, Least Sandpipers and Killdeers. We finished the day with 72 species. Today's photos, Yellow-crowned Night Heron, Purple Martins and White-tailed deer fawns. Thanks for looking. July 2, 2024 Complete Bird Census 61 Species Observed, 970 individuals Tricolored Heron and immature Little Blue Heron Summertime has definitely arrived and it heated up fast today. We started off on Raasch Trail and encountered a large number of Black and Turkey Vultures resting in the dead trees and on the bridge across Myers' Branch. There was not much activity in that area and then we continued on to the Goode Area via Terry Lane because the north low water crossing is still closed. The lake level is dropping very slowly. and Plover, Tern and Egret pads are still closed but should be open soon. Last week a late afternoon thunderstorm passed over the refuge with strong winds and there was a lot of tree damage evident today but blown over trees have been removed from the roads. At Dead Woman Pond we saw 4 Wood Ducks, a Mississippi Kite, Blue Grosbeaks and Painted Buntings. Also there is a large number of Hibiscus flowering in that area. At the low water crossing on Bennett Ln., we saw a Pileated Woodpecker and a Belted Kingfisher. Early on there was a Least Bittern calling near the entrance to Egret Pad. The only shorebirds seen today were37 Killdeer and 1 American Avocet. Some returning shorebirds should start showing up soon but there are still no mudflats. Purple Martins are congregating and we saw 69 today. We counted 250 Canada Geese today and they are spread out all over the refuge. We finished the day with 61 species and called it a day early due to the heat. Today's photos, Tricolored Heron and immature Little Blue Heron transitioning from white to blue gray coloration. Of interest to me was the subdued barring on some of the feathers which can be observed better in full screen mode. Thanks for looking. June 25, 2024 Complete Bird Census 61 Species Observed, 913 individuals American Kestrel It was a partly cloudy day that heated up quickly. Bird activity dropped off quickly after about 09:30. The Barn Owls were still present and we counted 3 in the box. There are now large numbers of Canada Geese present with a count of 206 including many young of varying ages. They like to hang out along the edges of Wildlife Drive. Bennett Lane is now open and the low water crossing on Bennett is now passable. We saw 4 Red-headed Woodpeckers on the road to Meadow Pond. They are present at Deaver and along the road just past Deaver Pond. We found Wood Ducks at Dead Woman Pond. Since the north low water crossing is still closed we had to take the long way around via Terry Lane to get to the Goode Area. We counted 40 Killdeer and the only other shorebird we saw was a single Long-billed Dowitcher. Purple Martins are beginning to bunch up and we saw them at several locations. Plover, Tern and Egret pads are still closed and probably will be for the rest of the week. We finished the day with 61 species. Today's photo, an American Kestrel. June 18, 2024 Complete Bird Census 64 Species Observed +1 other taxa, 726 individuals |
Wild Turkey, Green Heron and Grasshopper Sparrow
It was a nice partly cloudy day for today's census. We have settled into a summer type pattern and all the migrants have passed thru and now we are seeing mostly breeding birds. We saw a total of 5 Red-headed Woodpeckers, four of which were near Deaver Pond. Bennett Lane is still closed so we had to make the long trip around to get to the west side of the refuge. We saw a Grasshopper Sparrow near the west entrance to Short Road. Grasshopper Sparrows have been hard to find this season. On the road to Sandy Point we had a flyby Broad-winged Hawk. There is a Pied-billed Grebe that has nested in Mineral Marsh and the eggs have just hatched out. We don't know how many young grebes have hatched yet. There were a good number of egrets and herons today including 66 Great Egrets, 63 Snowy Egrets, 1 Tri-colored Heron, 12 Little Blue Herons, 22 Great-blue Herons, 1 Green Heron and 43 Western Cattle Egrets. We saw 37 Eastern Bluebirds and 13 Wild Turkeys. We finished the day with 64 species. Today's photos, Wild Turkey, Green Heron and Grasshopper Sparrow.
June 11, 2024 Complete Bird Census 66 Species Observed +1 other taxa, 651 individuals |
Black-necked Stilt It was another pleasant day for our census. Much of the refuge is not accessible because of high water so we only did the survey on the east side of the refuge. Lake level appears to be slowly receding and hopefully Wildlife Drive will be reopened sometime next week, if we don't get more heavy rains in the lake watershed. Note to get to the west side of the refuge you have to go via Hwy 82 to Sadler. We saw a female Barn Owl and at least one owlet in the box in the maintenance shed. We got the first Inca Doves of the season, two of which were near a residence north of the refuge on the way to the Goode area. We heard Bell's Vireos singing in 5 different locations. We had a good count of 23 Painted Buntings, 8 Indigo Buntings and 3 Blue Grosbeaks. There was a Wood Duck and a Green Heron at Meadow Pond along with a lot of flowering American Lotus. We saw one Hairy Woodpecker on the north side of the refuge near the dead Cedar of Lebanon tree. There was a hen Wild Turkey on Raasch Trail near the entrance of the wooded area. We saw 3 Prothonotary Warblers and one Common Yellowthroat. We finished the day with 66 species. Today's photo is a Black-necked Stilt. June 4, 2024 Complete Bird Census 74 Species Oberved, 810 individuals Black-crowned Night Heron, Green Heron, American Golden-plover with Whimbrel, Whimbrel, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Swainson's Hawk and Red-headed Woodpeckers The early morning rain had just passed by as we began today's census. We had some very good late spring sightings today. In the pond on the left just before you get to Plover pad we saw 2 Whimbrels resting along with an American Golden-Plover, 4 Franklin Gulls, some White-rumped Sandpipers and a Semi-palmated Sandpiper. On the crossover from Egret pad to Tern pad we found a nice breeding plumage Black-crowned Night Heron along with some of the many Snowy Egrets we saw today. We saw 6 Red-headed Woodpeckers, 4 of which were at Deaver Pond. We got nice closeup looks at a Green Heron at Meadow Pond and we also saw a Belted Kingfisher there. Coming back from Meadow Pond we had great looks at an Olive-sided Flycatcher. There was a Swainson's Hawk at the southwest end of Short Road. We saw 3 mature Bald Eagles at Sandy Point flying out over the lake as well as 4 Black Terns. We saw a total of 10 Painted Buntings. We finished the day with 74 species. Today's photos, Black-crowned Night Heron, Green Heron, American Golden-plover with Whimbrel, Whimbrel, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Swainson's Hawk and Red-headed Woodpeckers. Thanks for looking. May 28, 2024 Complete Bird Census 79 Species Oberved, 784 individuals Red-shouldered Hawks and Northern Rough-winged Swallow The day started out stormy for the census but cleared up some by 10:30. The pad roads are now open but I don't know for how long with more rain and storms in the forecast. Early on we found a Red-breasted Merganser in the pool on the left before you get to Plover Pad. Birding was pretty slow until the rain let up. We got a couple of first of year swallow species, Tree Swallow and Northern Rough-winged Swallow. We found a lone Buff-breasted Sandpiper in an area on the north side of Silliman Rd. We found a couple of warbler species, Prothonotary Warbler and Black-and-white Warbler, We saw over 200 Western Cattle Egrets today. We had a total of 3 Eastern Kingbirds. There was a Bewick's Wren singing near the residences on the road to the Goode Area. We finished the day with 78 species which was not bad considering the slow start. Today's photos, the young Red-shouldered Hawks near the Big Mineral Picnic Area, that seem to be doing well and the Northern Rough-winged Swallow we saw at Meadow Pond. May 21, 2024 Complete Bird Census 70 Species Oberved, 696 individuals |
Swainson's Hawk It was a breezy day for our census. The main road thru the refuge is now open but the north low water crossing is still closed as well as Tern and Egret pad roads. The road to Plover pad is open. We went to Deaver Pond early on to look for the Anhingas that have been seen there recently but did not find them. There are some shorebirds present, the majority being White-rumped Sandpipers, but they can be hard to locate because many are feeding in vegetation since there are no mudflats. Other shorebirds present include, Pectoral Sandpipers, Lesser Yellowlegs, Wilson's Phalaropes, Semipalmated Sandpipers, Spotted Sandpipers, Long-billed Dowitchers, Hudsonian Godwits and Killdeer. We did not see any warblers today. We saw a Wood Duck and a Belted Kingfisher at Meadow Pond. We are settling into a warm weather pattern and most of the migrants have passed through. Breeding birds are singing in many places. We finished a day curtailed by a thunderstorm with 70 species. Today's photo is a Swainson's Hawk. May 14th, 2024 Complete Bird Census 94 Species Oberved, 719 individuals Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Indigo Bunting Today was cool with a northerly breeze blowing. Wildlife Drive as well as Bennett from the Big Mineral bridge west is still closed but the lake is receding and hopefully the roads will be opened again soon after the lake recedes another foot or so and necessary repairs are made. Early on we walked from headquarters to the Harris Creek bridge to observe some shorebirds and were treated to very close up views of Sanderlings, Stilt Sandpipers, Semipalmated Sandpipers, White-rumped Sandpipers, a Baird's Sandpiper and Least Sandpipers as well a a couple of Tricolored Herons.. Black Terns and a Least Tern were also flying nearby. We saw a few warbler species but I suspect that will change later in the week. Indigo Buntings, Painted Buntings and Dickcissels were numerous. Summer Tanagers were singing in quite a few places. We found 3 Mississippi Kites on the far west side of the refuge. We saw 4 Greater Roadrunners. We saw an Olive-sided Flycatcher at Meadow Pond hawking insects from his perch high up on a dead tree. We finished the day with 94 species. Today's photos, a Yellow-billed Cuckoo, a skulker that you find in wooded areas but it is a species that is very easy to overlook. You are more likely to hear there strange calls. They are sometimes referred to as Rain Crows by locals. The other photo is an Indigo Bunting. May 7th, 2024 Complete Bird Census 85 Species Oberved, +2 other taxa, 1,044 individuals Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks and a Bobolink It was a clear sunshiny day for our census, with a break in the rain. But recent rains have caused the lake level in Lake Texoma to rise and Wildlife Drive is covered in water for much of its length and has been closed. Bennett Lane from the Big Mineral bridge to the west side of the refuge is also closed. We had to go on Hwy 82 to Sadler to get to the west side of the refuge. The pad roads are now under water. We found Bobolinks in quite a few places, including north of headquarters in the fields, and west of the refuge east of Short Road. Our final count on Bobolinks was 41. Dickcissels were singing most everywhere we went. One good find was a pair of Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks on the far west side of the refuge. They are becoming more common in this area but we don't often see them on the refuge. On the edge of the water covering the road north of headquarters there were some shorebirds accumulated including a couple of Hudsonian Godwits, Stilt Sandpipers, Pectoral Sandpipers, Least Sandpipers and Lesser Yellowlegs. On the other end of Wildlife Drive we found a Black-necked Stilt, 4 Long-billed Dowitchers, 20 Wilson's Phalaropes. Painted Buntings were singing in many places. There were 3 Red-headed Woodpeckers at Deaver Pond. Flycatchers were abundant with 39 Scissor-tailed Flycatchers, 17 Eastern Kingbirds, 5 Great Crested Flycatchers and 4 Western Kingbirds. We heard 9 Summer Tanagers. Warblers were conspicuously absent today and we only saw 1 Prothonotary Warbler and 2 Northern Parulas. We finished the day with 85 species. April 30, 2024 Complete Bird Census 90 Species Oberved, +2 other taxa, 1641 individuals Grasshopper Sparrow by Mike Sanders, Spotted Sandpiper, and White-faced Ibis Bird migration is reaching peak activity with many migrants making their long journey north. We set out with high hopes for some exciting finds. Our first stop was Harris Creek Trail where we found our first new migrant – a Rose-breasted Grosbeak. We also saw Painted and Indigo Buntings, a male and female Blue Grosbeak, and many of our usual birds. Four male Wood Ducks flew by and gave us all a good view. From there, we headed to the Goode picnic area. Along the way we saw a male Baltimore Oriole at the top of a tree. We also saw a large flock of Cedar Waxwings feasting on the nearly ripe Mulberries in a yard in the area. Our next destination was Enterprise Road where we made our first futile search for Bobolinks, but we had to settle for a Bell’s Vireo and more Blue Grosbeaks. We returned to the refuge and found a single Upland Sandpiper and a few Cormorants on Plover Rd. Ducks, shorebirds, and gulls were scarce due to high water after the recent rains. At Meadow Pond we found a Green Heron on the emerging Lotus pads and a Tree Swallow perched in a dead tree. Turtles were very active and we had to dodge several crossing roads and trails. Out west, we found some lingering Meadowlarks and some arriving Grasshopper Sparrows. Our final count for the day was 90 species of birds, three snakes, four turtles, and a very large spider crossing the road. Photos today are Grasshopper Sparrow by Mike Sanders, Spotted Sandpiper, and White-faced Ibis. April 23, 2024 Complete Bird Census 87 Species Observed +2 other taxa, 1,171 individuals Observers: Jack Chiles, Mike Petrick, Nancy Riggs, Terry Goode, Laurie Sheppard. Savannah Sparrow, Upland Sandpipers, and a pair of Mallards. The day started out cool but the sun soon brought the temperatures up and with it, the birds. The annual Turkey Hunt prevented us from taking our usual route for the bird census, so we improvised. We started the day with a short walk on the Harris Creek Trail, where we got good looks at a Spotted Sandpiper on the bank of the creek. From there we drove east of the refuge and picked up our first Western Cattle Egrets. By the end of the day, we had collected over 200 of those. Continuing east, we saw our first Wild Turkey crossing Old Quail Run. At Enterprise Road, we heard a Bell’s Vireo along with Blue Grosbeaks and a few of our 21 Scissor-tailed Flycatchers. We returned to the refuge and along the Auto Tour Route we saw 26 White-faced Ibis fly by. The water levels are high so there are few places for shorebirds, but we found a few Least Sandpipers, Long-billed Dowitchers, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, and some others. Blue-winged Teals were the most common ducks today. Out to the west of the refuge, a few Upland Sandpipers are still in the fields and a Broad-winged Hawk was resting on a wire. We logged 87 species today despite our unusual route. Today’s photos are a Savannah Sparrow, Upland Sandpipers, and a pair of Mallards. April 16, 2024 Complete Bird Census 97 Species observed, 1,270 individuals Observers: Jack Chiles, Mike Petrick. Laurie Sheppard, Nancy Riggs and Terry Goode. Bald Eagles and a Solitary Sandpiper Today was a mostly clear day with a moderate breeze blowing. Early on we went to the Goode area and saw a flyby Crested Caracara. Then when we got to Dead Woman Pond we were greeted by a beautiful male Prothonotary Warbler sitting up in a dead tree. We had an immature Bald Eagle fly into a tree on Dead Woman Pond.. As we drove toward it, it took flight and disappeared but we soon saw 2 more Bald Eagles there near the lake having a dispute over a fish that a mature Bald Eagle had picked up. A near mature Bald Eagle decided he would try to take it away from the other eagle which then proceeded to land on the shore with the fish. It soon flew off to the west and disappeared with the other eagle in hot pursuit. At the end of Plover Pad we found a Sanderling, a Western Sandpiper, 2 Semipalmated Sandpipers and 10 Hudsonian Godwits. In the last several days we have seen over a hundred Hudsonian Godwits come thru as well as a Marbled Godwit. The Yellow-headed Blackbirds have begun to come thru and we saw one on Plover Pad and more out on the west side of the refuge near Short Road. Summer Tanagers, Indigo Buntings, Red-eyed Vireos as well as Bell's Vireos. have also arrived. We saw 2 Greater Roadrunners, We finished the day with 97 species. Today's photos Bald Eagles and a Solitary Sandpiper. April 9, 2024 Complete Bird Census 95 Species observed +1 other taxa, 1,229 individuals Observers: Jack Chiles, Mike Petrick, Laurie Sheppard, Gary Meyer, Ken Hobson, Liz Bell, Peter Dunwiddie |
Snowy Plover After heavy rain overnight there was lots of standing water and the creeks were flowing bank full, but we were able to complete the census without any more rain falling. We found several first of season birds including Summer Tanager, Orchard Oriole and the rare Snowy Plover which is not seen very often at the refuge. The marshes were flooded so it was difficult to locate shorebirds but we did finish the day with 12 shorebird species including 73 Upland Sandpipers in the fields near Short Road. We saw one Black-chinned Hummingbird at the feeder at headquarters. 13 species of ducks were still present. The male Hooded Merganser is still present in Meyer's Branch near the north low water crossing. We saw a total of 7 newly arrived Scissor-tailed Flycatchers. We finished the day with 95 species. Today's photo is of a rare Snowy Plover, a small light colored plover similar in appearance to the Piping Plover. April 2, 2024 Complete Bird Census 100 Species observed, +1 other taxa, 1,757 individuals Observers: Jack Chiles, Mike Petrick, Nancy Riggs, Terry Goode, Laurie Sheppard, Mike Sanders and Gary Meyer. Bald Eagle, Wild Turkey, Lark Sparrow and Upland Sandpiper. It was windy and chilly for today's census but it was a good day species wise for our count. As we started out we found a beautiful male Hooded Merganser in the marsh by the north low water crossing. Later we saw an adult Bald Eagle at Dead Woman Pond as well as a flyby Wood Duck. Shorebird numbers are increasing along with the number of species. We saw 139 Long-billed Dowitchers, 19 Wilson's Snipes, 7 Lesser Yellowlegs, 10 Greater Yellowlegs, 1 Dunlin, 4 Baird's Sandpipers, 23 Least Sandpipers, 45 Pectoral Sandpipers, 3 Western Sandpipers, 2 Wilson's Phalaropes, 4 Killdeer, 2 American Golden-Plovers and 45 Upland Sandpipers. There were 12 Little Blue Herons all in a group in Mineral Marsh along with a Tricolored Heron. While we were at Mineral Marsh an Immature Bald Eagle flew over. There was an American Bittern in Taylor Marsh. We saw 3 Red-headed Woodpeckers, 3 Red-bellied Woodpeckers, a Pileated Woodpecker and a Hairy Woodpecker. We found a singing Black-and-white Warbler on the road to Sandy Point. We finished a great day with 100 species for the second week in a row. March 26, 2024 Complete Bird Census 100 Species observed +1 other taxa,1,374 individuals Observers: Jack Chiles, Mike Petrick, Nancy Riggs, Terry Goode, Laurie Sheppard and Mike Sanders. |
Burrowing Owl The day started out near freezing again with the wind blowing from the north. Shortly after we started out while heading for the Goode Area we were alerted by Laurie Lawler of a Burrowing Owl on Wildlife Drive. We immediately turned around and met her at the location near the first pullout. She had seen the owl sitting on a log not far from the road but it soon flew down into the tall grass and disappeared. We waited for a bit to see if it would reappear but it did not happen so we decided to walk out to see if we could find it. As we were walking it flushed and flew a short distance and just sat there and posed for us while we photographed it. I have been doing the census at the refuge for 35 years and this is the first one I have ever seen on the Refuge. The only other sightings that I am aware of on the refuge was a sighting by Karl Haller in the 80's and later one of the refuge staff reported seeing one probably about 20 years ago. Needless to say, all of our group was very excited, seeing this owl. We had a very good day and saw a first of the season, Little Blue Heron, Western Cattle Egret and Yellow-headed Blackbird. We also saw a recently arrived Tricolored Heron. 13 species of ducks are still present. Shorebird species seen today included Killdeer, Long-billed Dowitchers, Wilson's Snipes, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, Dunlin, Baird's Sandpipers, Least Sandpipers and Pectoral Sandpipers. There was a Belted Kingfisher at Meadow Pond. We finished the day with 100 species, which is the highest census count in March that I ever remember. Today's photo is the Burrowing Owl. March 19, 2024 Complete Bird Census 90 Species observed +1 other taxa, 1,468 individuals Observers: Jack Chiles, Mike Petrick, Nancy Riggs, Terry Goode, Laurie Sheppard, Mike Sanders, Gary Meyer. American Kestrel, Sharp-shinned Hawk and immature Bald Eagle It was 29 Degrees as we started our census but warmed up nicely later in the day. No white geese were observed today and they are probably gone for the season. They should return next November. Lots of birds were singing today. We saw or heard 94 Northern Cardinals, 33 Tufted Titmice, and 21 Carolina Wrens. We saw 5 Wood Ducks at Dead Woman Pond. There was an immature Bald Eagle soaring over Sandy Point. Duck numbers are down from last week. The most numerous duck species were Green-winged Teal, Northern Shovelers and Gadwalls. There was a pair of Cinnamon Teals in the marsh by the north low water crossing. We saw a total of 5 Wild Turkeys and 4 Greater Roadrunners. There were a couple of Franklin Gulls mixed in with the Ring-billed Gulls off the end of Plover pad. We saw 22 Killdeer, 18 Greater Yellowlegs, 3 Long-billed Dowitchers, 10 Pectoral Sandpipers, 2 Baird's Sandpipers, 5 Least Sandpipers and 1 Wilson's Snipe. We had a first of season Snowy Egret. We finished the day with 90 species. Today's photos, American Kestrel, Sharp-shinned Hawk and immature Bald Eagle. March 12, 2024 Complete Bird Census List 90 Species observed +2 other taxa, 1,424 individuals Observers: Jack Chiles, Wayne Meyer, Mike Petrick, Nancy Riggs, Terry Goode, Laurie Sheppard and Gary Meyer. |
Short-eared Owl It was a windy day for today's count. We started out by looking for the Short-eared Owls that have been seen recently. Just before sunrise we were observing the area on the left, with a lot of dead vegetation, on Wildlife Drive east of the Harris Creek bridge and shortly one appeared. It flew around a bit before crossing the road and flying by fairly close affording everyone excellent views. If you would like to see one, that area would be an excellent place to look at dusk or at dawn as that is their favorite time to feed. There were still 72 Snow and Ross's Geese present. We were surprised to see 20 Wood Ducks at Dead Woman Pond. On Egret Pad we had a flyby Cinnamon Teal. We had several first of season birds including, Purple Martins, Marsh Wren, Pectoral Sandpipers and a couple of Franklin's Gulls. We saw 8 Brewers Blackbirds in the fields just west of the refuge. We finished the day with 90 species and migration is just starting. Today's photo is Short-eared Owl. March 5, 2024 Complete Bird Census List 91 Species observed +2 other taxa, 3,261 individuals Observers:Jack Chiles, Mike Petrick, Nancy Riggs, Terry Goode, Laurie Sheppard, Mike Sanders Fox Sparrow, Vesper Sparrow It was a cool and cloudy day for our census with a lot of bird activity. Surprisingly about 350 Ross's and Snow Geese are still present. There are also good numbers of ducks and some of the duck species with larger counts were, 174 Northern Shovelers, 413 Green-winged Teals and 151 Gadwalls. We saw 13 species of sparrows with a really good count of 25 Vesper Sparrows, 42 White-crowned Sparrows, 47 White-throated Sparrows, 40 Savannah Sparrows, 28 Dark-eyed Juncos as well as other sparrow species. We had a great count of 75 Northern Cardinals. We found a couple of Winter Wrens on our trip to Meadow Pond and Big Mineral Creek. We had the first Barn Swallows of the season. We had a high count of 18 Eastern Phoebes. There was one Great Egret present in Silliman Marsh. We finished the day with 91 species. Today's photos, Fox Sparrow and Vesper Sparrow. March 2, 2024 The Little Sit Event Complete Little Sit List 46 Species observed +1 other taxa 1,074 individuals The Little Sit is held at sunrise the first Saturday of every month, the public is welcome! February 27 2024 Complete Bird Census List 82 Species Observed +2 other taxa, 2,800 individuals Observers:Jack Chiles, Mike Petrick, Laurie Sheppard, Mike Sanders |
Crested Caracara It was a pleasant cloudy day for today's census. There are still about 500 Snow and Ross's Geese present and there is plenty for them to eat. Most of the Northern Pintails have left. We counted 291 Green-winged Teal, 127 Northern Shovelers, 117 Gadwalls, 15 Mallards, 17 Canvasbacks, 24 Ruddy Ducks, 5 Ring-necked Ducks, 8 Lesser Scaups, 1 Bufflehead, 1 Redhead, 4 American Wigeons, 2 Blue-winged Teal and only 52 Northern Pintails down from nearly 1000 present in recent weeks. We saw a flock of 14 Wild Turkeys on the pipeline easement north of Meadow Pond. We had 8 first of season Common Grackles and one really nice find was a Crested Caracara in a field on Short Road being harassed by an American Crow. We counted 55 Wilson's Snipes in the marsh just before the road to Plover Pad. The snipes were really well camouflaged and would be easy to overlook. There were 175 Ring-billed Gulls on the Sandbar off the end of J pad, along with 77 Forster's Terns. We saw a Hairy Woodpecker, 5 Red-headed Woodpeckers,12 Red-bellied Woodpeckers, 5 Downy Woodpeckers, 7 Northern Flickers and 1 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. We finished the day with 82 species. Today's Photo, Crested Caracara taken previously. February 20, 2024 Complete Bird Census List 87 Species Observed +2 other taxa, 5,726 individuals Observers: Jack Chiles, Mike Petrick, Laurie Sheppard, Mike Sanders, Terry Goode and Nancy Riggs |
American Woodcock It was a beautiful day for today's bird census. We still have about 2000 white geese feeding on the wheat which is starting to grow again. Duck numbers are still very good with a large number of Northern Pintails, many of which are still in the Harris Creek marsh. The Cinnamon Teal is still present. We had 15 species of ducks today. There was one raft of 150 Redheads. The American Woodcocks were still present today displaying before sunrise in the field at the southeast corner of the refuge near the information pullout. We saw Winter Wrens, House Wrens, Caroling Wrens and Bewick's Wrens today. Eastern and Western Meadowlarks were singing in the field near Short Road. We found 12 species of sparrows. We had a good count of 4 Brown Creepers today, a species that has been hard to locate on the refuge this winter. We finished the day with 87 species. Today's photo from last year near Picnic Pond. February 13, 2024 Complete Bird Census List 72 Species observed +3 other taxa, 2,857 individuals Observers: Jack Chiles, Mike Petrick, Laurie Sheppard and Terry Goode |
Eastern Bluebird It was a nice mostly calm day, starting out on the cold side but warming up nicely as the day progressed. Bird species count was down over 20 species from last week. Duck numbers are good with over a thousand Northern Pintails present. Other duck species seen were, 2 Blue-winged Teal, 65 Northern Shovelers, 132 Gadwalls, 7 American Wigeons, 24 Mallards, 178 Green-winged Teal, 36 Canvasbacks, 1 Redhead, 13 Ring-necked Ducks, 6 Lesser Scaups, 5 Buffleheads, 2 Common Goldeneyes, and 40 Ruddy Ducks. We saw 3 Wild Turkeys on our way to Meadow Pond.There were a total of 19 Wilson's Snipes, most of which were in the marsh just before the road to Plover Pad. We saw a total of 46 Greater Yellowlegs and 7 Least Sandpipers. We had a great count of 13 Red-shouldered Hawks and 6 Loggerhead Shrikes. It is a good year for White-crowned Sparrows with 37 for the day, many of which were near the butterfly garden. A female Spotted Towhee came out on the path in front of us as we were returning from a short walk on Harris Creek Trail. We had a good count of 49 Northern Cardinals. We finished the day with 72 species. Today's photo, an Eastern Bluebird. February 6, 2024 Complete Bird Census List 93 Species observed +2 other taxa, 2,361 individuals Observers: Jack Chiles, Mike Petrick, Terry Goode, Mike Sanders, Carlos Haller, Nancy and Janet Heath. The Red-headed Woodpecker near the bridge at the Big Mineral picnic area, the Winter Wren and the House Wren It was a beautiful, calm, early February day for our census. Birds were very active. Snow and Ross's geese numbers were low today but the large flocks have been coming and going. Usually the best time to see the most geese is in the afternoon. It is getting near the time that most of the white geese will depart the refuge. Duck numbers are very good with nearly 700 Northern Pintails, many of which are in the marsh near the Harris Creek bridge. Other species of ducks seen today included, 2 Cinnamon Teal, 68 Northern Shovelers, 92 Gadwalls, 6 American Wigeons, 21 Mallards, 108 Green-winged Teals, 35 Canvasbacks, 30 Redheads, 10 Ring-necked Ducks, 1 Greater Scaup, several Lesser Scaups, 24 Buffleheads, 2 Common Goldeneyes, and 44 Ruddy Ducks. An American Woodcock was seen by one member of our team early on in the field at the southeast corner of the refuge on Bennett Lane. The Woodcocks will probably be leaving soon and the best time to see them is around dawn or dusk. We saw 4 species of Wrens today, a Winter Wren, near the low water crossing on Bennett, a House Wren on B pad, a Bewick's wren on the road to Goode and Carolina Wrens in several locations. The large culvert area on the crossover from C pad to Sandy Point road was good today, with a couple of Barred Owls hooting at each other, an Orange-crowned Warbler, an Eastern Towhee and several other species. We saw 5 species of Woodpeckers including several Red-headed Woodpeckers and a couple of Pileated Woodpeckers. We finished a great day with 93 species. Today's photos, The Red-headed Woodpecker near the bridge at the Big Mineral picnic area, the Winter Wren and the House Wren.
January 30, 2024 Complete Bird Census List
85 Species observed Observers: Jack Chiles, Mike Petrick, Terry Goode, Laurie Sheppard, Mike Sanders and Keiko Inagaki American Pipit, Ring-billed Gulls and American White Pelicans of the end of J pad and a Northern Pintail The weather was fantastic today for our census. The Long-tailed Duck is still present. It was a good day for ducks. The Long-tailed Duck has been using Silliman and Muleshoe marshes. Also still present are Canvasbacks with a total of 98 today. We saw 726 Northern Pintails, , 506 Green-winged Teals, 7 Ruddy Ducks, 2 Common Goldeneyes, 115 Gadwalls, 11 American Wigeons, 14 Mallards, all seen in the marshes. We also saw 40 Redheads and 24 Ring-necked Ducks in the large pond by the railroad tracks east of the refuge. We saw over 1200 Ring-billed Gulls as well as a mature Lesser Black-backed Gull and a couple of Herring Gulls. A large number of 7200 Snow and Ross's Geese were present arriving from south of the refuge as the day progressed. We saw 7 woodpecker species today. We had a good count of 7 Loggerhead Shrikes. A good number of 85 Savannah Sparrows were seen. We had a good count of raptors today with 11 Red-tailed Hawks and 8 Red-shouldered Hawks. We finished the day with 83 species. Today's photos, American Pipit, Ring-billed Gulls and American White Pelicans of the end of J pad and a Northern Pintail. |
January 23, 2024 Complete Bird Census List 66 Species observed, +1 other taxa; 2,781 individuals Observers: Jack Chiles, Mike Petrick and Laurie Sheppard. The Bald Eagle at Meadow Pond, Wilson's Snipes and the Long-tailed Duck It was a dismal day with rain most of the time for our bird census but bird activity was good. The ice on the lake and in the marshes at the refuge is starting to melt and there are more patches of open water each passing day. First of all, the rare Long-tailed Duck is still present in the west end of Silliman Marsh. The Long-tailed Duck we had last year stayed around for several weeks and hopefully this one will do the same. Duck numbers and species numbers of ducks are also good. We estimated a total of 894 Northern Pintails, and also counted 4 Wood Ducks, 41 Northern Shovelers, 145 Gadwalls, 18 American Wigeons, 70 Mallards, 93 Green-winged Teals, 18 Canvasbacks, 12 Ring-necked Ducks, 13 Lesser Scaups, 28 Buffleheads, 2 Common Goldeneyes, and 1 Hooded Merganser. An immature Bald Eagle that was harassing American Coots and Pied-billed Grebes last week at Meadow Pond was still present there today. We found a nice flock of 17 Wilson's Snipes near the entrance to Wildlife Drive. We counted 54 Dark-eyed Juncos most of which were in a large flock picking up grit on the road to Sandy Point. We found one flock of Brewer's Blackbirds on Judge Elliot Road. We counted almost 800 Red-winged Blackbirds. We finished the day with 65 species. Today's photos, Long-tailed Duck, the Bald Eagle at Meadow Pond and Wilson's Snipes. January 21, 2024 |
Long-tailed Duck Once again this year we have a rare visitor, a Long-tailed Duck. This is a male in winter plumage. It is present today in the western portion of Silliman Marsh. 01-21-24. There is still a lot of ice at the refuge but the areas of open water in the marshes is good for lots of Buffleheads, Lesser Scaups and Canvasbacks, as well as the usual wintering duck species that visit the refuge each year. |
January 9, 2024 Complete Bird Census List 75 Species Observed +2 other taxa, 6,887 individuals Observers: Jack Chiles, Mike Petrick, Laurie Sheppard, Mike Sanders, Chuck and Kris Carlson, Kitta Dory |
American Bittern | Tropical Kingbird |
There was a stiff breeze and a chill in the air today but it was not near as bad as we had anticipated. There was a good rain yesterday and there is a lot of water standing in some places on the refuge. It was too muddy to go to some of the areas. The Tropical Kingbird is still present and this week might be your last chance to see it if you have not already, with severe cold forecast for the first part of next week. Our best sighting of the day was near the end of our census, an American Bittern in the marsh on the left just before you get to the Harris Creek bridge. It was in the dead vegetation and we were fortunate that Mike Petrick happened to spot it. There were over 2000 Gulls present today, mostly Ring-billed Gulls and 11 Herring Gulls. A little over 2000 white geese were present in the lake off the end of Plover pad. Shorebird numbers are down due to the lack of habitat due to the higher lake levels but we did see Greater Yellowlegs, Killdeer, Least Sandpipers, Wilson's Snipes and one Western Sandpiper. Duck numbers are still good and a lot of them are close to the roads making for great viewing. There were 9 Pied-billed Grebes at Meadow Pond. We finished the day with 75 species. Today's photos, the American Bittern and the continuing Tropical Kingbird, a rarity for this area. |
January 2, 2024 Complete Bird Census List 77 Species observed +2 other taxa 12,414 individuals Observers: Jack Chiles, Mike Petrick, Laurie Sheppard, Mike Sanders |
LeConte's Sparrow | Savannah Sparrow |
The morning started out cold and cloudy and there was very little bird activity at the beginning but things picked up soon. We went to Raasch Trail just past the bridge to begin with and there we saw a Golden-crowned Kinglet, Brown Creeper, Yellow-rumped Warblers and a Pileated Woodpecker but there was not the usual sparrow activity in that area. We then walked the entrance to Harris Creek trail and got Spotted Towhees, a Lincoln's Sparrow and White-crowned Sparrows and a few other species. We then went to the Goode Area via the north low-water crossing and found a lot of bird activity just past Myer's Branch. It was very still this morning so when we got to the Goode Area we decided to walk the field on the left side past the entrance gate to look for the much sought after LeConte's Sparrows. It is a tough area to walk but we were successful and found at least three LeConte's Sparrows and heard a Sedge Wren. After our walk in the field as we progressed down the road to Goode we found a Brown Thrasher and some Field Sparrows. There are still about 8000 white geese on the refuge but they have eaten most of the wheat on the refuge so pretty soon they will go out most days and feed on the farm fields in the area and come in from time to time to bathe and rest. We saw a couple of Greater Road Runners. There are lots of ducks on the refuge, especially Green-winged Teal with a total of 559 for today and 474 Northern Pintails, 12 Canvasbacks, 12 Buffleheads, 161 Gadwalls, 118 Northern Shovelers, 31 Mallards, 13 Ring-necked Ducks, 2 Lesser Scaups and 3 American Wigeons. We did not see the Tropical Kingbird today but it was still on Terry Lane yesterday afternoon. We finished the day with 77 species. Today's photos, LeConte's Sparrow and Savannah Sparrow.
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