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Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge Hiking Trails

Map of the Refuge   Numbers on the map are stops along the Auto Tour

Hiking Trails

Hagerman NWR features five inviting and well maintained hiking trails.  All mileage is round trip.

Haller's Haven Trail

Trail Map,   Guide

2.7 Miles, Partial Loop, Easy

This trail offers a great view of the refuge at the top of an easy hill.  Along the way you'll first pass Picnic Pond, then Dead Woman's pond which is often teaming with wildlife. 

This trail is named afer "The Birdman of Hagerman": Karl Haller.

Raasch Trail

Trail Map,  Guide

3 Miles, Down and Back, Easy

Walk through a range of several different habitats and search for Eastern Bluebirds and other songbirds.

Harris Creek Trail

Trail Map, Guide

0.25 ADA Trail, plus 1.25 and 2.25 Mile Loops, Easy

This is the most popular trail, with several ponds and a photo blind.  Park at the trail head or at the  Visitor Center: it begins across the street from the Visitor Center entrance.

Crow Hill Trail

Trail Map,  Guide

0.75 Mile Loop, Moderate, Shady, short & steep.

A great trail for exercise laps.  A bit less travelled, lots of Painted Buntings in the summer months.

Meadow Pond Trail

Trail Map,  Guide

5.7 Miles, Down and Back, Mostly Gravel, Easy

Begin with beautiful Deaver Pond and enjoy Meadow Pond two miles in: this is one of the refuge's favorite trails.  Come in July when the American Lotus flowers are in bloom on the water.

Leashed dogs are welcome!

Road To Crow Hill Trail by Jon Fischer

Meadow Pond Trail by Carl Hill

Lotus Flower by Jeff Gladden

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Events and activities hosted by the Friends of Hagerman are funded by donations and powered solely by volunteers.  There are no fees for admission to the refuge or parking. The refuge is open from sunrise to sunset every day of the year and you may drive on any road unless gated.

6465 Refuge Road

Sherman, TX 75092


Kroger: Stop by the customer service desk at Kroger and link your Kroger Card to the Friends of Hagerman: the Friends will get rewards for every dollar you spend, at no cost to you.

Please add info@friendsofhagerman.org to your contacts to ensure delivery of registration confirmations, account information and the Featherless Flyer

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See you at the refuge! 

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